Terms of use

All contents of the ingenia.gr website, including logos, photographs, services provided, are intellectual property and are governed by Greek and international copyright and intellectual property laws.

It is prohibited by law to reproduce, copy, republish, store, sell, transmit, distribute, upload or alter the information from this website without our prior written consent.

You are free to visit our ingenia.gr website without providing any personal details. In case you choose to send us an email that includes any form of personal data, we will handle it in complete confidentiality and under the strictest security.


ingenia.gr collects personal data (name, phone number, e-mail address) of visitors only if the visitor enters them in the contact form or newsletter and we use them with the express consent of these visitors to inform them of their requests, new products and services of this professional activity and to send newsletters to potential customers.

We do not share the personal contact information submitted on the website with any third party unless it has the express consent of the user or is required by law. We take privacy and security very seriously and are committed to treating customer/visitor information with the utmost confidentiality.


For any kind of information, clarification, submission of any request, including but not limited to contacting the website administrator or request for reproduction rights of any part of the website content, as well as requests for permission to reproduce content, you can contact our customer service department at 2314437718, or send an email to: info@ingenia.gr